Friday, May 14, 2010

Lighting The Way To Family Harmony

No, I'm not talking about evening meals around the table together, outings to the zoo as a family unit or a family meeting. There's something even better out there that will quickly bring your family together possibly strenghening the ties that bind tighter than they've ever been. Want to know what it is???? Well I'm going to tell you.

What is the Johnny Light??? Well... this is not your ordinary light. No - this is the light that claims to LIGHT THE WAY TO FAMILY HARMONY!!

When you're done I'll continue!!

This product is for real. Here is the scenario. Its the middle of the night and nature calls. You stumble to the bathroom tripping over your feet and anything else in sight. Or since it's dark - not in sight. When you finally make it to the bathroom and find the john you raise the lid and the bathroom fills with an eeire green glow. It's not aliens.. its not your dreams... its the Johnny Light!

According to the website the use of this product::

Ends the bathroom battle of the sexes

Elimintes annoying "fall ins" (That part really made me laugh!)

The product even comes with batteries. And the install is easy!!!

This amazing product

can be yours for the low low price of $14. This includes shipping and handling. If you live in the great state of Texas be sure to add 8.25% tax.

I'm just curious... I know it's not as fascinating and all but how many of these

can I get for $14???

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