Thursday, May 13, 2010

Resolutions. I made a few in December just as the new year was coming to a close. At the top of the list was reading and writing.

With respect to the writing, getting this blog back up and running is my first step. Granted I shold have done it 5 months ago but - better late than never. There is an alternative blog that I'm working on designing and I'll let you in on it as soon as its up.

Reading? I used to read all the time. When I was a kid I had the full collection of Nancy Drew mysteries. Remember those?

Lately the only reading I've really done is the Chronicle website, weekend newspapers and local magazines like 002, Houston Press, House and Home and the like.

After the first of the year I asked several friends for suggestions and I have a list a mile long to get through. But here's what I've accomplished so far.

Talk about an interesting cast of characters!! It's definitely not a quick read and if you have a short attention span - it may take you the rest of the year to finish it. I kept it on my desk at work and read during my lunch breaks. It took me about two months. It's a great read and I highly recommend it.

Before that - I read this.

The writing style is on the opposite end of the spectrum from Koontz but still enjoyable. I was able to finish this one in about a week. There's a lot of humor in it and then there's monkeys. Who doesn't enjoy a story with monkeys in it??

I've started my next book already..

I also have a great little book that I look at on an almost daily basis. Steve got it for me for Christmas.

I love useless trivia.. and this book is full of it! Much like this blog which I started at 10:00 this morning and have since - completely lost my train of thought and where I was going to go with it!

So in the interest of your sanity and mine.. I'll sign off! Please leave your book suggestions in a comment here. If you've got brain exercises that will help my memory - I'll take those too!!

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