Friday, July 23, 2010

Is It Really Exercise?

It's Friday - Finally!! And the sun is shining - for now. I don't know about you but I think I've had my fill of rain for a few days!

I haven't had much time this week to do anything. Work has been crazy busy and it seems like I've had a million things to do before and after work. So today will be brief.

I could give you a hundred reasons why you should hit the gym or get some type of physical activity into your life-style. But I've learned that if the first few sentences don't grab someone's attention - they move on to the next thing.

So here is a pictorial of why you should exercise

If that works and you want to get started... please don't run out and purchase one of these...

But if you do... I want to see a video clip of you in action!

Have a fantastic Day!

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