Friday, August 20, 2010

The Gym Rat's Top 5

My friend Sylvia posted a picture on her facebook page the other day of a woman at her gym that was "working out" super hard. Her dialing hand that is. The woman had spent an entire 30 minutes in a chair on the phone. She got up adjusted her shorts and shoes and then left. I got a big chuckle out of that because I see it at my gym ALL the time.

Here are some things at the gym that annoy the general population. If you're a newbie - it's not too late to change your ways!

1) The weight benches and gym floor are not your personal locker space!! Keep your keys, cell phones, purses, duffel bags etc in the locker room. That's why there are lockers. People actually need and use those benches for lifting. The other thing that shouldn't be on it? You on a cell phone - but more on that later.

2) Let's talk about cell phones in the gym! Really? You can't put it away for 30 minutes?

You are taking up valuable space. People are waiting to use the equipment and none of the people around you want to hear about your escapades at the bar last night, or hear you fight with your significant other. Hang the darn thing up and get to work! If you must take a call, get off the machine or bench and go stand out of the way.

3) Sweat! Eww! I know it happens in the gym. Its why we're there - to get our sweat on! But Carry a towel. No one wants to get on a piece of equipment right behind you and sit or stand in a puddle of your sweat. Even if you're the dainty female type that insists you don't sweat - wipe it anyway! Don't be gross! All gyms require you to have a towel. Bring one from home. Put a couple in your gym bag. Use them.

4) Be quiet! Really! Encouraging your work out partner? Totally acceptable. Hanging around a piece of equipment and chatting it up with your friends for a social hour? NOT. You have no idea how loud you are. Say your hellos and how are ya's and then get on with your work out. It's distracting to those around you trying to focus. If I can hear you over the music in my headphones.. you are too loud. Visit later - out of the way.

5)Yes - we smell you!

This goes for those of you who have been wearing and sweating in the same work out clothes all week long as well as those of you who lather up in your favorite cologne before you hit the gym floor. I was on the stairmaster earlier this week and about got knocked out with the scent of Polo. I don't know if he was covering up the smell of dirty gym clothes or not - but PHEW it was overpowering. Deodorant - a definite yes Your smelling pretty stuff? Save it for later.

These, in my mind, are the big 5. It's the ones that I see abused on a regular basis. I know there are others.. but if you can master these 5 - people at the gym will love you whether they know you or not.

So what are some of your gym pet peeves?

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